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  • Writer's pictureAlif Azmir

I Do Not Allow Failure To Overtake Me

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

For this first issue of the Mohanians News, we have reached out to Madam Harcharanjit Kaur or better known as Lally Lopez for her thoughts in the insurance industry. But first let us get to know Lally first.

Lally is one of the best insurance specialists that KL Mohan has ever had. Before she decided to start her new career in the world of insurance back in 2013, she was a teacher. Up to this date, she has garnered 5 MDRTs & 1 COT. That’s just amazing for someone who started her career about 9 years ago and has received this tremendous achievement! So, what is her secret? Read the one-on-one interview here.

What is one thing that drives you to wake up in the morning?

The one thing that really drives me to wake up in the morning is my passion and insurance. I love what I do. I enjoy doing insurance. As I said, that is my passion. So, it drives me to bounce from my bed every morning.

Another factor is for me to go shopping. (We both laugh) Why? Because being in insurance, you work very hard so that the reward will be your financial freedom. Today I can go for drinks here, today I can go to Coffee Bean, I can go to Starbucks. I can have breakfast here and there. So that's financial freedom. I woke up in the morning with a big smile, I said “Yes, let’s go and have lunch here. You don’t have to cook today. We will have breakfast at this place and there.” That’s the financial freedom that I get.

What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?

I have dreams. Dreams to have that luxury because I’ve seen people just getting things that they want. That is my dream and thanks to God for my success. One of the biggest factors that has contributed to my success is me coming out of my comfort zone. The rejections! Yes, eventually rejection is the most heart-breaking. Because I said to myself, “Why? Why me?”. But sooner or later I said “Thank God it was me”. Because of that I left the comfort zone and came out to the real world and that got me more results.

Have you ever experienced failure? Can you tell us about it?

If we were talking about failure, I would say no. I do not allow failure to overtake me. I don’t believe in failing. But rejection yes. How do I overcome rejection is that I believe it is always possible to rise. I have fallen many times but I bounce back. Because if I keep holding myself and keep telling myself, why did I get rejected and why did people reject me and all that then I will not go far. So, rejection made me stronger. And fear free!

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

I love this question. I will start the insurance not at the age of ‘Now’. I will start 20 years earlier. I started in this career at the age of 40 but I always tell myself I should have started 20 years ago when I was 20 or 21. This is a beautiful industry and as I said your dreams do come true.

What advice would you give your younger self?

My advice would be don’t waste time. This is what I like about a saying from the Buddha, “The biggest mistake that humans make is that they think they have time.” Actually, we don’t have time. So do not waste time. If something’s going to happen today, you do it today! Tomorrow is not in our hands. For example, nobody knew there would be a Lockdown in 2020. And no one was prepared for it. That was a lesson to me. So do not waste time. Things that will happen today, it will happen today. You do it today! Unless that is something unavoidable and you have to continue tomorrow. But which is doable today, do it today. It is NOW, NOW OR NOW.

I like my tagline that is FREE PERFECT NOW! What does this mean? An example from meeting a prospect. They have their policies and I said let me review it for free. Once I review it, I will perfect it. How do you perfect it? There’s a gap to fill up. Now means we are doing it now. I’m not doing it tomorrow. I’m not taking it back home. So, let’s do it now. You never know I will close the deal there. So that’s for me FREE PERFECT NOW.

What would you do if you were the only survivor of a plane crash?

When there is a plane crash, obviously there will be international news. So, I will call my family back home and tell them, “Hey I’m still alive. Please do not go and claim my policy from AIA. I’m still alive. I’m still alive.” (Both laugh)

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